Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I was talking with my buddy Jon the other day. We were talking about the authority of scripture.  We were reading a book by Wayne Grudem that made a few "presuppositions."  They were that the Bible is inerrant, and the the God of the Bible is real and exists as described in the Bible.  We both felt like these were pretty big presuppositions if you were to talk about this topic with a non-believer.

He asked me how I would explain to a non-believer that the Bible is in fact The Word of God and is inerrant.  This question caught me a little off guard.  I really want to have great answers to questions like this, but really feel like I'm so new to scripture and Christian theology that I stumble when faced with tough questions.  

I told him that I believe this questions goes back to my faith.  There are a lot of stories out there about how this all came to be; about creation.  There are different ideas of how people came to be moral beings, if they did at all.  I didn't claim to know all the different stories out there, but as my friend Tim  Johnson said, "The story of the Bible makes the most sense."  Tim was explaining to a Systematic Theology class how he "knows" God exists.  He said that he can't prove to anyone that God exists.  He can point to creation/nature, the complexity and beauty of human beings and the human mind, but those things don't prove anything.  Ultimately, it came down to what stories made the most sense.  This idea really hit home for me, as I spent 30+ years trying to fill a hole inside of me.  I spent this time trying to gain acceptance or status in the world around me. It wasn't until February of '07 that I realized that the only "thing" that could fill this void was Jesus.  Like a ton of bricks, it all made sense. This is the story that makes sense.  

Now this story doesn't prove anything.  This is just the story of my faith.  And what does this have to do with the authority of the Bible?  Well, I believe in the God of the Bible, and therefore, believe in the Bible.  So, to me, it's not a gross assumption to say that the Bible is God's word, and is in fact inerrant.  As Grudem says, the Bible is God's authority, it is clear to those who choose to hear what it says, it is necessary, and it is sufficient for all who are open to hear it's teaching.

We all have a theology. Some may have a theology where there is no God.  Some may believe in a "being", but that everyone's being is up to them...there is no one God.  I believe in the God of the Bible.  I believe that if you run with all the other "stories" long enough, they don't work.  They end up coming to a dead end (no pun intended, but it's so true...)  I would love to talk more about your faith. Please share...  

more to come... 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

God is Faithful!!!

For the few of you who actually read this blog, (thanks!!!) I have found a renter for my place in St Paul.  This is truly an answer to prayer.  I have been so blessed by so many amazing people who have joined to support me in my pursuit of a life in ministry.  This support has been in the form of prayer and money.  I raised financial support thinking my place would sell or rent fairly quickly. Well it didn't.  I have had to spend much of the financial support I raised for the year in the first 3 months of LDI.  Now that I have a renter, I will be in a better place financially to continue moving forward with LDI without having to go back to work full-time.  Once again, I have learned how God is faithful, and will provide what we need if we follow Him.  

I asked my dad the other day how he thought the recent financial mess would do to missions and other ministries around the world.  He kind of shrugged his shoulders, grimmaced a little, and fearfully said, "I don't know.  But I know that God will provide what He needs for His kingdom." For those who don't know my dad, he's a rock.  There's not much that scares him.  He is a true follower of Jesus.  He knows that with money being tight around the globe, that ministries will be taking hits.  But his faith in God was a reminder to me that God is faithful.  I don't know what God has before me, but I know that it's awesome.  I also know that He'll provide what I need to do His work!  Thanks, God! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So Much For Once A Week...

This is where I get to come everyday.  What a beautiful office, huh?  I had no idea how busy not having a paying job could be...  My original intentions were to update my blog once a week to keep people updated with what's going on in LDI.  My last post was in early August, and here it is nearing the end of September, and I'm just now getting to my next posting... I'm surprised the entire internet didn't shut down in wait of this posting :)

Anyway, LDI is full of reading.  I am taking 5 classes now.  They started early in September and run through December.  Monday nights I have an inductive study of the book of Mark.  This is a new means of study for me.  It requires that I (everyone in class) to check our theological baggage at the door, and only use the text in front of us, as well as Old Testament references.  It's a tough, slow process, but so amazing to see how God is working through all things and all people.  He is truly sovereign.  We've had 3 - 3 hour classes and have gotten through the 1st chapter of Mark.  Just Awesome!  Wednesday afternoons we have 3 hours of Old Testament Study.  This class is a book-by-book study of the OT.  We are through Numbers now.  Leviticus and Numbers are not the most exciting books to read, however, give great insight into God's infinite mercy, AND our infinite worthlessness to receive that mercy.  Wednesday night is SHAPE.  S - Spiritual Gifts, H - Heart, A - Abilities & Talents, P - Personality, E - Experiences. This class digs into each persons uniqueness and tries to help see how God has made us to do His work.  This is a fun one... Not super deep and NO HOMEWORK.  Thursday afternoon we have a 3 hour class for LDI interns on Leadership.  This class is great.  We're reading Willard's Renovation Of The Heart, right now.  We'll get through 5 books between now and mid-December.  Thursday night is Systematic Theology.  This is the biggest class with about 15-20 people.  Steve Treichler teaches, and this is a look at Theology topic-by-topic.  

Outside of LDI, God has shown himself off as only He can.  He has provided me with many very generous supporters, for whom I am thankful to God for their hearts.  Official "Thank You's" are coming... I'm slow.  I know God has called me to chase after him, and pursue ministry as a full-time vocation.  Prior to starting I had a condominium in St Paul that was too expensive to keep and do LDI.  After much prayer and conversation with trusted friends, I made the decision to sell/rent my place, and join LDI.  Well, my place has neither sold or rented.  Almost all of my support for the year is spent.  I am learning to trust that God will lead where He wants, and will provide what He knows I need.  I have considered the options of working more or quitting LDI for now.  I was reminded of how God provided what He knew Hope Community Church needed versus what we thought we needed.  We were located on the campus of the U of M, and busting at the seams.  The elders prayed and searched for money to get/build a new church.  They prayed, and prayed for money.  One of the elders stood up and said, "We don't need money.  We need a building."  Shortly thereafter, we were given a building in downtown Minneapolis at no cost from a church (Central Free) that was going under.  I am feeling like I need money, when I all I need to do is trust God.  If I can do that, the rest will fall into place.  

Prayer requests:
Peace - That I would rest in God's sovereignty, and trust that He is in control.  
Perserverance - That when I feel overwhelmed by the reading that I will stick with it.
My Condo - That God will provide a buyer or renter, so I can take care of the debt I am responsible for.  
Pride - That I get rid of my pride and begin to respect those around me as God would have me.

Food for thought... (i.e. would love some feedback/comments) - Did Moses change God's mind in Numbers, when God says that He is going to destroy the Israelites, and Moses tells Him not to, that the Egyptians will see that as a victory (of sorts).  After hearing Moses, God says, "I have forgiven them as you asked", and spares them from destruction?  Did Moses know better than God?  Did God make a mistake?  Can't be... right?  Let me know your thoughts...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

1 Down; Eternity To Go...

We finally got started yesterday. Administrative stuff mostly, but we started with a short study of II Timothy 2:1-13. I've felt like a kid waiting for Christmas the last few months, waiting for LDI to start, and it's finally here. The only thing is, this doesn't last 1 day; this is for the rest of my life. That's pretty cool...

There will be 6 dudes together in LDI this year. 2 of them will be in Trek 2 so I won't be in the same classes as them, but will still be spending quite a bit of time with them througout the year. 1 of the Trek 2 guys is Johannes Best. He's from Kassel, Germany, and he's due to arrive next Wednesday afternoon. Should be fun to get to know him. Attached is a picture of the LDI group (minus Johannes.) I'm on the left end. 3rd from the left is our Pastor leading LDI, Cor Chmieleski.

Thanks for all who are supporting. Keep the prayers coming. Pray for strength, endurance, courage, patience, and humility. This is so exciting... I will be choosing my ministry opportunities in the next couple of weeks. So I will post on that either next week, or the week after. You can be praying that I hear where God wants me and will follow courageously!

Thanks! See Ya!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Wild Hogs...

Well, LDI starts in just over 2 weeks. I just returned from a weekend motorcycle trip around Lake Superior with Pete Larson. What a blast. If you've never been, it is a spectacular stretch of road/lakeshore. The posted pictures are just a couple from the trip...

I sent out support letters today. Now I just have to pray and trust that God will provide what He knows I need. I made the decision to try and sell my motorcycle. This is a big deal. I know that God is calling me to LDI, and I am willing to forego certain "things" to be able to do that. I'm also selling my condo. So, if any of you know someone who wants a very affordable, very beautiful one bedroom condo in downtown St Paul, let me know...

I can't wait to get started. We start with a 3 week study on How to Study The Bible. If you remember, please pray that I will rest in God, knowing He will take care of me...


Sunday, June 1, 2008

What is Sin?

trike posed the question to us, "what is sin?" I responded with the following:

choosing my innate, sinful desires, telling myself that they are "better", more "right" for me, or more "satisfying" to me than what God, holy and infinite, has set before me. I hate sin. I hate that I choose it over God. I am not worthy of His grace and mercy, but God ROCKS! I am alive only by His infinite worth!

what do you think??? what is sin to you?

What a great day!!!

Sunday, June 1st. I was baptized today! What an awesome day, too. Sunny and 80 degrees. There were nearly a hundred people from Hope that came out to witness and celebrate the day. We had 8 of us that were baptized today. Thank you Mom, Dad, Lisa, Steve, Samantha, Austin, Karin, Heather, Chad, Henry, Liza and BC for coming out today. It really meant a lot that you were able to share this with me.

I know it's all God, but I have to say thanks to Rob, Cor, Seth, Trike, Karin and the folks for all your support in my new life. I am so stoked to see how God is growing larger and stronger in me as I begin my new life in Him.

God Rocks!

Happy b-day, Billy! Hope India is treating you well. See you this weekend!

Friday, May 2, 2008

LDI Baby!

I did it! I committed to LDI yesterday. I am SO excited for what lies ahead, both spending a year studying and growing closer to God, and to see His plan unfold before me. Yeah, baby!

It was a little tough telling Susan that I wasn't coming back, but she's awesome. She was super supportive. It's hard to leave after investing so much in these kids, this program, and building connections with some co-workers. It'll be weird telling people about my decision... and exciting.

So, if you read this, please pray that I am very active in preparing for next year. There's a lot to do.

that's it for now...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

getting started...

not sure what's going to become of this blog. i've been reading some stuff written by friends, and thought this was a fun way to stay in touch with others.

this picture was taken last august in beijing. we spent the summer working in inner mongolia, and were blessed to spend a few days in beijing. we spent an afternoon walking the wall. are you kidding me??? God is beyond amazing. what an amazing creation He has made.

i look forward to sharing with all of you....
